
There are special use-cases that each language supports; this document pertains to JavaScript models.

Rendering complete models to a specific module system

In some cases you might need to render the complete models to a specific module system such as ESM and CJS.

Check out this example for a live demonstration how to generate the complete JavaScript models to use ESM module system.

Check out this example for a live demonstration how to generate the complete JavaScript models to use CJS module system.

Generate serializer and deserializer functionality

The most widely used usecase for Modelina is to generate models that include serilization and deserialization functionality to convert the models into payload data. This payload data can of course be many different kinds, JSON, XML, raw binary, you name it.

As you normally only need one library to do this, we developers can never get enough with creating new stuff, therefore there might be one specific library you need or want to integrate with. Therefore there is not one specific preset that offers everything. Below is a list of all the supported serialization presets.

To and from JSON

Here are all the supported presets and the libraries they use:

Generate marshalling and unmarshalling functions

Using the preset JS_COMMON_PRESET with the option marshalling to true, renders two function for the class models. One which convert the model to JSON and another which convert the model from JSON to an instance of the class.

Check out this example out for a live demonstration.

To and from XML

Currently not supported, let everyone know you need it!

To and from binary

Currently not supported, let everyone know you need it!

Generate example data function

Generate example instance of the data model including the preset JS_COMMON_PRESET using the option example.

Check out this example out for a live demonstration.